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Commitment to Spiritual Growth: Fasting Jan 10-31, 2021



Consider these and choose one you want to observe.  Remember to replace whatever you fast from with a daily time of reading the Bible and praying.  You can read whatever part of the Bible you choose, but I am starting my series on the Gospel of John, so that might be a good place to read.  Finally, in your prayer time be sure to include a time of silence and listening to what God has to say to you.

Fasting:  Use one of the ways that fits your life.

  • I will try fasting as a means to open my life to the presence and will of God.

  • I will commit to at least one method of fasting:

  1.   3 Day Fast (no food, only water) for 2 or 3 times

  2.   3 Day Fast (Daniel fast—only vegetables and fruits, only water) for 3 days

  3.   21 Day Daniel Fast (only vegetables and fruits, only water)

  4.   40 Day Fast (no food; only water and juice) MUST HAVE MEDICAL APPROVAL FOR THIS ONE

  5.   Sunrise to Sunset Fast 

  6.   I will give up the following items for the remainder of Lent:  (circle the ones that apply or write in your item)

  • chocolate
  • desserts              

  • bread

  • meat                    

  • snacks                

  • coffee

  • alcohol                

  • cigarettes            

  • profanity

  • TV                        

  • lying

  • Social media:______ (type)

  • Other:____________

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